bin picking-Highway crash killed at least 18 in south China

bin picking-Highway crash killed at least 18 in south China

China>SocietyHighway crash killed at least 18 in south China2018-06-30 04:47:31 GMT2018-06-30 12:47:31(Beijing Time)Sina EnglishBeijing-Hong Kong-Mocao Highway crash killed at least 18 in south China Friday night, 14 injured had been sent to near hospital, according to local authorities.Accident reason is under further investigation.More to view…| PRINT | RSSAdd CommentSINA English is the English-language destination for news and information about China. Find general information on life, culture and travel in China through our news and special reports or find business partners through our online Business Directory. For investment opportunities with SINA, please click the link “Investor” below.| About SINA | Investor | Media Kit | Comments or Question? |Copyright &copy 1996-2018 SINA Corporation, All Rights Reserved

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