3d scanners- Shooting begins on first Tibetan musical-adapted film

3d scanners- Shooting begins on first Tibetan musical-adapted film

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XINING, July 10 (Xinhua) — Northwest China’s Qinghai Province has started shooting the first film adapted from a Tibetan musical, the local publicity department said Tuesday.
The film, featuring a traditional Tibetan wedding ceremony, is adapted from a musical based on an excerpt from “The Epic of Gesar” and is expected to hit the screens in October, according to the publicity department of Zhidoi County, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.
The film will tell the love story of Tibetan hero King Gesar and his wife, and portray Tibetan culture in the Kamba area, according to the department.
Cedain, director of the film, said the film will use modern technology to present the traditional stage musical while fully respecting the original work.
The wedding ceremony to be presented in the film is part of a traditional Komba Tibetan ritual and has influenced current Tibetan wedding customs.

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